Most people have a “something bigger” that influences their choices, values, and beliefs about life, especially during times of difficulty. God, karma, the universe, spirituality, collective humanity, nature, community – whatever is meaningful to you can be a source of happiness and strength. In the day-to-day grind it can be easy to lose sight of that “something bigger” and in so doing many other relationships suffer.
Struggles people experience when they lose sight of their "something bigger" tend to be: loss of meaning in life, isolation, values conflicts, anxiety, hopelessness, or feeling that our existence is pointless. Often this relationship can be one of the most neglected. I've found that when people slow down, get clear about what guides their lives, and act more in alignment with that, greater contentment and satisfaction happen in life.
Here are some questions to reflect on your relationship with "something bigger":
In what environments and with what people do you find yourself most at peace?
When you step back and look at life, what threads do you see woven throughout life experiences?
If you wanted to impart hope to someone who is suffering, what would you advise them to look to?
What do you on a regular basis to stay connected and nourished by your "something bigger"?
If you find yourself struggling with issues of meaning, purpose, and direction in life, contact Dr. Jeffrey for a brief consultation about how he can be helpful to you.